Did we miss one? Send additional press links to
press@cfp2000.org for inclusion in this list.
CFP2000 Press Coverage
- The Industry Standard
By Michael Roney
March 13, 2000
- Federal Computer Week
the Web safe
By Ari Schwartz
March 13, 2000
- USA Today
A weird path to the wired future
By Elizabeth Weise
April 4, 2000
- USA Today
The beginning of the end of mutual mistrust
By Elizabeth Weise
April 4, 2000
- ZDNet News
CFP 2000 addresses privacy concerns
By Doug Brown
April 5, 2000
- Associated Press
Caution Urged on Internet Access (Yahoo News)
When are public records too public? (Evansville Courier and Press)
By Anick Jesdanun
April 5, 2000
- Associated Press
Should all public info be posted online? (USA Today)
April 6, 2000
- Wired News
Computers, Freedom and Privacy
By Declan McCullagh
April 8, 2000
- Kriptopolis
CFP 2000: Diez Anos de Historia (in Spanish)
Por David Casacuberta
April 9, 2000
- Associated Press
Internet Users Fight Web Tracking (Excite News)
Net users fighting for anonymity (USA Today)
Getting Too Personal: Netizens Decry Online Companies Tracking Them (ABC News)
Surfers fight for privacy (Canoe Cnews)
Internet users gather to fight Web tracking (Chicago Sun-Times)
By Anick Jesdanun
April 9, 2000
- PC World
Geeks, Spies Debate Web Privacy
By Andrew Brandt
April 10, 2000
- Salon
Twilight of the crypto-geeks
By Ellen Ullman
April 13, 2000
Foner's letter to the editor in response to this article
- ZDNet Inter@ctive Week
Preserving Internet freedom
By Doug Brown
April 18, 2000
- IntellectualCapital.com
Recapturing the Spirit of the Internet
By Wendy Grossman
April 27, 2000
- Technophilly.com
North of the Border With Dr. Evil and George Orwell
By Patrick McGee
May, 2000
- Technophilly.com
Philadelphia Students Wins Prestigious Contest
May, 2000
Threat Models and Domination Systems
By Adam C. Engst
May, 2000
- Tom Maddox's conference reports (from www.privacyplace.com):
April 4, 2000,
April 5, 2000,
April 6, 2000,
April 7, 2000
- Epress.ca
Has a streaming video interview with CFP2000 chair Lorrie Faith Cranor (Epress VOD or
Netshow VOD formats).
The Epress.ca
http://www.epress.ca/privacy area
has interviews with Duncan Campbell, Christopher D. Hunter, Jason Catlett,
Jordan Kessler, Ann Cavoukian, Austin Hill, Bruce Koball, David Phillips,
Deborah Pierce, and Stanton McCandlish. The area also has coverage of
Second Annual Orwell Awards at CFP2000.
Austin Hill/Zero-Knowledge Systems, Inc.
Bertelsmann Proposal
Building Online Diversity
Domain Name System
Duncan Campbell/ECHELON
Electronic Communications Privacy Act
Intellectual Property
Mozelle Thompson (FTC Commissioner)
Neal Stephenson
New Justice Technologies
Online Voting
Paulina Borsook
Privacy Commissioners
Privacy and Consumer Issues in Authentication
Security and Privacy in Broadband
Tim O'Reilly/Open Source
Whit Diffie
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